Visit Florence Palazzo Vecchio


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Florence and Tuscany Tours

Visit Florence Palazzo Vecchio - Florence and Tuscany Tours -
€ 35

Visit Florence and Palazzo Vecchio (Old Palace)

Tour Code: Tour 11A

Visit Florence and its most important building: Palazzo Vecchio (Old Palace), known also as Palazzo della Signoria or “dei priori”. For more than seven centuries it was the recognizable symbol of the political life and power in Florence. It was designed to accommodate the governing body of the city, from 1540 it became the residence of Cosimo I and of the Medici’s Family.

During the guided visit you will see the Salone dei Cinquecento (Hall of 500, with, among the others, the “Battle of Marciano”), by Giorgio Vasari, the rooms dedicated to Pope Leo X, the famous room of the Elements, the apartments of Eleonora, and the numerous areas decorated with masterpieces and paintings made by celebrated artists of the Renaissance such as Michelangelo, Donatello and Verrocchio.

Visit Florence, live a fascinating experience in the very heart of Florence, you will travel along history, from the Italian middle age, when Palazzo Vecchio was originally built, to the modern era. You’ll be astonished, the magnificence of the Old Palace with its tower perfectly embodies the ideals of freedom of the Medieval Italian independent Municipalities.

Like the Uffizi Museum, it’s a “must see” even if you are not a fan of Dan Brown’s novel Inferno. Visit Florence and discover more about secret passages, art and David. Did you know that the sculpture you can see in Piazza della Signoria is just a copy?

Florence and Tuscany Tours: see more, do more, make it yours.



Summer Season from April 1st to October 31st 2020

Winter Season from November 1st 2017 to March 31st 2018


at 3:30 pm


approx. 1.5 hour


€ 35 Adult - € 30 for those 6-14 years old. Free for children under 6 years old.


Scheduled entry, no need to queue

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By reservation only (tour will take place rain or shine and from 1 participant onwards)

PRICE INCLUDES: guided tour, pre-booking and entrance fee, earphones for groups with more than 15 participants, Florence and Tuscany Tours’ staff assistance at the meeting point.

MEETING POINT: Piazza della Signoria, behind the Neptune Fountain, 15 minutes before the start of the tour.
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