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Florence and Tuscany Tours


www.florenceandtuscanytours.com - Florence and Tuscany Tours -
€ 33,40

Davanzati Palace for children, a private tour in Florence, a museum for the youngest

Tour Code: P32

A step back to the Middle Ages in an ancient Florentine house: Palazzo Davanzati.

Florence is not only the cradle of the Renaissance, it is also the city where, in medieval times, the ancient Arts – or corporations – of the Florentine economic activities founded a rich economy that for centuries influenced the most powerful states in Europe.

With a guide specialized in tours for children and families at your disposal, you will visit the old town, focusing on the Middle Ages in Florence. You will follow the trail of the ancient and glorious Arts, you will discover hidden alleys remained unchanged for centuries, precious shrines decorated with marble lacing, and a symbolic though sometimes bizarre world of ancient coats of arms from which lions and rampant goats look down at you.

The visit will continue in one of the most exciting places in Florence, which will amaze clients of all ages: the Florentine Museum of the Davanzati Palace.

The walk through the halls of this building will be a magical journey back in time to discover the traditions of these wealthy Florentine merchants, the tasty dishes prepared by cooks with the ingredients of the nearby Old Market, and their family intimacy. The Davanzati Palace Museum is housed in the former home of the Davizzis, another family of wealthy Florentine merchants.



every day except the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month and the 1st, 3rd and 5th Monday of the month when the museum is closed.
The museum is open from 8.15am to 1.30pm


09:00, 09:30, 10:00, 10:30


up to a maximum of 3 consecutive hours


2 pax € 232,00 – price per person € 116,00
3 pax € 243,00 – price per person € 81,00
4 pax € 255,00 – price per person € 63,75
5 pax € 273,00 – price per person € 54,60
6 pax € 285,00 – price per person € 47,50
7 pax € 298,00 – price per person € 42,57
8 pax € 310,00 – price per person € 38,75
9 pax € 321,00 – price per person € 35,67
10 pax € 334,00 – price per person € 33,40

For groups bigger than 10, please write at info@florenceandtuscanytours.com

Choose the language of the tour, time and participants


PRICE INCLUDES: an authorized tour guide at disposal for 3 consecutive hours, material to hand out to the children, tour planning and organization, an ice cream or a hot chocolate

PRICE DOES NOT INCLUDE: reservation and Palazzo Davanzati tickets to be paid on the spot. Children under the age of 18 only pay for the reservation fee after showing a valid ID. Meals, tips and anything not explicitly listed under the voice the “Price Includes“.

WHERE: at your hotel if downtown Florence, or in another location downtown Florence.

ITINERARY: it can be easily personalized following your lead and needs. Your satisfaction is our main concern. For any inquiry please write us at info@florenceandtuscanytours.com

PLEASE NOTE: upon request, we can book your lunch at a local typical Florentine restaurant.

Tour date:
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