Tour Code: Tour 6
17h45 |
La visite dure environ 60/70 min. |
€ 40 |
Seulement sur réservation (le nombre minimum de participants est de 4 adultes)
LE PRIX COMPREND: le transport et la guide à bord, équipe d’assistance de Florence and Tuscany Tours au point de rencontre, équipe d’assistance de Florence and Tuscany Tours au point de rencontre.
RENDEZ-VOUS: Piazza della Signoria nr.6, devant la Banca Toscana, 15 mn avant le départ de la visite.
Un tour unico, un modo diverso per godersi la città più bella del mondo. Riscoprire Firenze attraverso uno dei simboli della città, ovvero l'Arno. Un modo per conoscere l'antico mestiere dei "renaioli" fiorentini e godersi una visuale unica. Villa Bardini è ,invece, uno dei tanti "scrigni" fiorentini , il verde fa da cornice ad una visione panoramica della città inedita, sconosciuta a molti, il silenzio avvolge e riempie l'anima di bellezza , esperienza davvero consigliata.
Read More... - simoneBoating down the Arno is one of the most calming experiences you can have in downtown Florence! It gives you the chance to experience the most visually striking part of the city without the chaos you'll sometimes find on the city streets. Besides the boating experience itself, Florence and Tuscany Tours team also delivered on the informational front, providing lots of historical insight and interesting tidbits during the tour, which made it more than just a photo op but a full portrait of the Arno river's role in the city through the ages. Our guide was friendly and engaging (there were kids in the group as well and the whole experience was able to hold their attention!) Definitely enthusiastically recommended.
Read More... - MaryNice and helpful people here at Florence and Tuscany Tours. Pauline, my guide, was very aknowledged and friendly. Timing was perfectly scheduled and the whole staff is very professional.
- FrancescaEl tour fue cancelado por obras en el canal y no pudimos hacerlo, nos avisaron el día anterior, lo sentimos mucho , aunque entendemos que fue por causas ajenas a Florence and Tuscany tours y que no se pudo preveer.
- SoledadNothing negative to say. Tour guide was excellent- a natural and knowledgeable communicator. Gentleman who piled the boat was great and very experienced.
- HughTour favoloso, guida molto esauriente e tempistica rispettata perfettamente, consiglio a tutti di provarlo! Firenze da vari punti di vista! Spettacolare!
- Giulia